Bridging The Gap: What’s Next for you?

1 min readAug 7, 2023
P2WE Picture Collection

What’s Next for you?

If you do not have an answer, humor me for a moment to help you to formulate one.

I created a viable and simple acronym for the word “NEXT” that will fire your creative thoughts to flow together, answer the question, and engage action to make it happen.


N- Needed. There is something missing but required.

E- Excite. This is something that solicits the Right Thinking. Right Speaking. Right Acting.

X- X-Factor. This is a value that the unique you contribute to the room/table.

T- Thrive. Need + Excite + X- Factor starts you in the process and on the right path. Learning, Earning, Changing, and Winning are quality experiences you acquire as you move forward.

The baton is in your hand. Use this criterion to build your NEXT and strategically run your race to fulfill your commitments and win.

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Keeper: Life’s Value Streams; Author: Position2—-Win; Coach: KOG; Veteran