2 min readJan 23, 2024


Bridging The Gap: Preparing for Emerging Areas

P2WE Picture Collection

A butterfly emerges from his cocoon, spreads his colorful wings, and begins to fly.

This metamorphosis takes the right time and energy to make this transition a smooth one.

Like the butterfly, emerging areas have gone through an extensive metamorphosis, if you will for this now moment in 2024.

They are new technologies, new businesses, new inventions, and more. Their colors are prominent, and their wings are strong. They are flying in this new landscape.

Are you ready to engage them?

If not, consider the following thinking tools to prepare you:

Know and keep who you are. Emerging areas demand professionals to be anchored in their identity. This attribute empowers them to learn, lead, and drive new change without compromising their core values.

It also allows them to effectively manage subtle nuances that suddenly reveal themselves.

Know what you bring to the room. This cooperates with knowing who you are. In essence, when you know who you are, you know the value you bring to the room. Therefore, emerging areas demand a baseline value that has been proven, tested and continues to grow through challenge, new opportunities, and other tough conditions that present themselves.

Your value develops according to the demand. So, professionals in these emerging areas must embrace learning opportunities that posture them to effectively meet the landscape demands with the right thinking, speaking, and doing.

Some Skills (not exhausted) needed:

Cross-functionality. Mastering one or more gifts is needed. But, when you have a professional who can add value in a variety of disciplines, you have a person who can continuously drive continuity and flow in most if not all venues.

Problem Solving. New areas, new problems. Professionals must have critical skills to address, reduce, and or eliminate disturbances.

You have the baton in your hand to Engage Emerging areas. Now, step forward, learn, and apply new things.

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Keeper: Life’s Value Streams; Author: Position2—-Win; Coach: KOG; Veteran